
Centre National de Resherches Océanographiques
Madagascar’s National Centre for applied Oceanographic Research tasked with responding to government needs and required to both directly implement research activities and coordinate collaborative research with other institutions. Currently involved in projects concerned with pollution, coastal management, ocean acidification and coral reef monitoring.

World Wide Fund
The WWF Madagascar national offices are responsible for ensuring sustainable, safe and equitable use of natural resources provided by coastal and marine ecosystems. To achieve these goals they work closely with other NGOs (e.g. Blue Ventures), universities and government agencies. They will use the new data products to inform on-going activities, supporting community managed marine and coastal areas.

Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines
Madagascan University Department for Marine and Fisheries Research which hosts the Malagasy National Oceanographic Data Centre. Has close links to Government and developmental organisations and use research to influence policy and development priorities.

DGM - Direction Générale de la Météorologie
Direction Général de la Météorologie (DGM) headquartered in Antananarivo, Madagascar, are the National Government Department responsible for delivering national forecast services. Services include weather forecasting, daily marine forecasts, and delivery of cyclone and tsunami warning alerts.

NMIFC - National Maritime Information Fusion Centre
The National Maritime Information Fusion Centre (NMIFC), is headquartered in Antananarivo, Madagascar. It is funded by the Malagasy government to promote inter-administration collaboration in the exchange of maritime informations amongst national departments and agencies working in the maritime field in order to ensure maritime safety and security.

RMIFC - Regional Maritime Information Fusion Centre
The Regional Maritime Information Fusion Centre (RMIFC) is headquartered in Antananarivo, Madagascar. It is funded through the EU MASE programme, to promote regional maritime safety and security in Eastern and Southern Africa and in the Western Indian Ocean region

Conservation International
The CI Madagascar national offices are responsible for ensuring sustainable, safe and equitable use of natural resources provided by coastal and marine ecosystems. To achieve these goals they work closely with other NGOs (e.g. Blue Ventures), universities and government agencies. They will use the new data products to inform on-going activities, supporting community managed marine and coastal areas.

Instituto Nacional de Hidrografia e Navegação
INAHINA are the hydrographic office for Mozambique, as such they are the primary holders of marine data for Mozambique and are responsible for evaluating coastal development plans. INAHINA are a Government agency with mandate to contribute to national efforts to build coastal resilience and strengthen disaster prevention capacity.

Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia
The meteorological office for Mozambique. Its mission is to contribute to the preservation of lives, assets and sustainable development through the proper use of weather and climate information and the generation of quality products for various applications.

Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
The Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras (School for Coastal and Marine Studies), a department of the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, based in Quelimane, Mozambique is the primary national institute for applied coastal and oceanographic research.
South Africa

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
The CSIR Ocean and Coastal Information Management System (OCIMS) data portal will be used as the delivery platform for C-RISe. It will remain a resource for the region, facilitating the application of EO data and geospatial information to operational monitoring.
United Kingdom

Satellite Oceanographic Consultants
Satellite Oceanographic Consultants Ltd is an SME specialising in the development and promotion of practical applications of satellite oceanography, by working with industry, the research community and commercial and institutional end users. SatOC is the prime contractor and project manager for C-RISe.
National Oceanography Centre
The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) undertakes integrated ocean research and technology development from the coast to the deep ocean. It provides long-term marine science capability including: major facilities; sustained ocean observing, mapping and survey; data management, and scientific advice. The NOC is the UK’s leading institution for sea level science, coastal and deep ocean research and technology development.

Bilko Development Limited was formed to provide image analysis software for UNESCO Bilko, which distributes free software and hands-on tutorials to users in 174 countries. Bilko moved to the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission in 2003, when it became the training tool of choice for GOOS-Africa, providing support for capacity development in marine remote sensing and developing software and tutorials to meet requests from African marine scientists.